March 15, 2015 - March 21, 2015
Unnamed Venue
110 Fifth Street, Salem, NJ 08709 United States

Additional Information

Salem County Department of Health and Human Services is participating in national Poison Prevention Week March 15th to March 21st 2015. From the kitchen cupboard to the medicine cabinet to the storage shelf in the garage, there are potential poison hazards for adults, children, and pets – so here are some steps to take during National Poison Prevention Week, March 15-21, to prevent unintentional exposure. “There are four easy steps,” said Freeholder Bob Vanderslice, Chair of the County Health and Human Services Committee. “First:  Read and follow all medicine and product labels. Second: Keep all medicine and products in original containers – preferably child proof. Third: Keep all medicine and products out of a child’s sight and reach. And fourth, call the Poison Help Line at 1-800-222-1222 as soon as you suspect an accidental poisoning.”