The result of many of these deals is known as spread pricing. This is when the PBMs charge their clients a higher price than they are spending on reimbursement. The PBMs pocket the difference.
In addition to supermarkets, the recalled items have also been shipped to schools, restaurants, and other institutions. Currently, the USDA has not released a list of names of the schools that received the affected products.
Measles is a childhood disease that is thought to spread when someone who is infected, enters our country. It's been mostly under control, because of a vaccine that was first introduced in the 60s.
In these difficult economic times, donating money to people or organizations in need may be something we just can't do at the moment. I know I often feel that way. If I could, I'd help everyone. However, there are plenty of ways to make a meaningful difference without spending money.
However, the Flu shot is different, and even if you’re reluctant to get a COVID-19 shot, you should consider getting a Flu shot for your own good. According to the CDC, the Flu never goes away.
Cops in one Gloucester County community had a busy weekend, including arresting four for DWI, one of which was reportedly in a Chick-fil-A drive-thru line.
Foggy brain, fatigue, headache, or change in smell or taste, just a few of the many symptoms of post-COVID-19 long haul syndrome Watch this AtlantiCare doctor explain the symptoms and their new clinic.
Sugary beverages like soda and sports drinks are detrimental to our health and cause weight gain. Here are a few healthy alternatives that will taste just as good.
As the virus rages across the nation, celebrating the holidays is stressful than ever this year. Here are some tips to help you enjoy a safe and happy holiday.