The Final Insane Inflatable 5K is coming back to the Flying Airport, Saturday Oct. 7 in Medford, register NOW for the final Insane Inflatable 5K of the year!
Despite the high temperatures and humidity, thousands turned out to take on the new obstacles at the Insane Inflatable 5K. People from all over the country, from 'superheros' to 'princesses', ran, jumped, and bounced their way through the course.
With all of the good that technology brings there are also the downfalls. And by downfalls I literally mean people falling down. Have you ever seen someone attempt to text while walking or running? If not, check out a few of these hilarious texting fails.
Our summer interns are turning out to be quite the batch of overachievers. They came up with a clever idea to train for their first ever Insane Inflatable 5k (coming up on August 27th in Galloway), so they found a way to make it happen. And, of course, we captured it all on camera!
This isn’t your parents' 5K race; this is insane! The Insane Inflatable 5K is returning to South Jersey on Saturday, August 27 at Glenn By The Bay Park on Rt. 9 in Galloway.
Picture yourself sitting at the top of a huge inflatable slide feeling like a little kid again. Could you make it down the slide gracefully or would you bounce, twist and laugh your way down?
Can you believe this year's Insane Inflatable 5K is run is almost here?
While last year's event was amazing, this year promises to be bigger and better with new and improved inflatable obstacles (see video below)!
If you missed out on what all of South Jersey was talking about after last year's run, don't miss out on this year's event happening Saturday August 15th at Bader Field in Atlantic City.
Did you miss the insane inflatable or are you thinking about doing it next year?
Take a look at the video from this past weekends Insane inflatable 5K run and see if it's something you would like to be a part of in the future!