Atlantic City, NJ, Sandwich Named Best in the State of New Jersey
Did you know you can get the best sandwich in the state in Atlantic City?
The travel website farandwide.com ranked the best sandwich in every state, with the Italian being the top sandwich in the state of New Jersey.

Who has the best Italian in the state?
The White House in Atlantic City.
Atlantic City's White House Subs, meanwhile, is one of the most renowned sub shops in the country, home to the White House Special with tons of salami, capicola, ham and provolone.
First, the website identified the sandwich that is most emblematic in the state, with the Italian winning that recognition.
Then they used reviews from Yelp, Facebook, Instagram, and Trip Advisor to find the very best spots according to locals and the White House was the winner there.
Over the bridge in Philly, it was the cheesesteak that ranked No. 1 with John's Roast Pork at the top of the list and Tony Luke's getting mentioned as well.
The Top 50 Best Sandwich Shops You Need To Eat At In New Jersey
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