Indoor Mask Mandate for Atlantic County Government Buildings
In a growing sign that COVID-19 has not let go of its firm grip on American society, effective this upcoming Monday, September 20, 2021, the Atlantic County Government will reinstitute face mask mandates for employees while indoors. The mandate will also be extended to visitors, vendors, and outside contractors who enter government buildings.
This policy is regardless of vaccination status and applies to all common areas and shared spaces. However, while at workstations and socially distanced, employees may remove their masks. If employees are in a vehicle together for work, they must wear their masks for the entire duration.
Employees, visitors, vendors, and contractors are instructed to follow CDC guidelines concerning masks; wear a mask that has two or more layers of fabric, fits appropriately, and covers the nose and mouth.
In an email that was sent out to all government employees, a rise in cases and the delta variant are cited as the reason for the reinstatement of the mask mandate.
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has had a face mask policy in effect for employees while indoors in all state-owned buildings for many weeks.