While New Jersey's Median Age is 40.4 years, approximately 25 percent of the state's residents are over the age of 60 years old.

According to the Wall Street Journal, a record number of United States residents will turn 65 years old in 2025.  With over 4.2 Million Americans reaching the traditional retirement age, many US Senior Citizens have concerns as they enter what is supposed to be their Golden Years.

An AARP study reveals that 61 percent of US Residents over 50 years old are worried they will not have enough money to support themselves in retirement.  Many Senior Citizens are dealing with the increase in National Health Expenditures along with uncertainty about how economic inflation will impact their futures.

With many Americans estimated to live another 19.9 years after reaching 65 years old, the website Seniorly wanted to find out what the Best and Worst States are to Retire in 2025.

How Does New Jersey Compare To Other States?

The research team at Seniorly compiled data to rank every state from best to worst for retires in the United States. They utilized the following categories for their rankings: Affordability, Quality of Life, and Health Care.

According to a press release, Seniorly's research found that New Jersey has the seventh worst Cost of Living and Fifth Worst Maximum personal income tax in the United States. These metrics and other factors land New Jersey as the Fourth-worst state for retiree affordability in America.

Overall, New Jersey is rated the Worst State to Retire in America according to Seniorly. The irony is that NJ's neighbor, Pennsylvania, is rated the 5th Best State to Retire in 2025 because they are the most Affordable State to Retire in the United States.

Here is the full Top Ten List of the Worst States to Retire in 2025:

1. New Jersey
2. Alabama
3. Kansas
4. Georgia
5. Oklahoma
6. Mississippi
7. Massachusetts
8. South Carolina
9. Texas
10. Arizona

But there are some great reasons why it is great to live in New Jersey. Did one of your reasons for living in The Garden State make the list?

Don't complain: Seven reasons why you're lucky to be living in NJ

Despite the cost, here are seven lucky reasons why you should be proud to be living in such a fun and great state as New Jersey.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

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