Here is exactly what not to do at your kid's sporting events. Parents were caught on video brawling at a kids’ baseball game in Colorado last weekend after they disagreed with the calls being made by a 13-year-old umpire.

Lakewood, CO. Police tweeted on Tuesday that parents were still fighting as they got to the scene of the game. They released video footage of the fight to social media in an attempt to find a specific person in the video.

On their Twitter post, police said....

 “These coaches and parents, unhappy with a baseball game involving 7 year olds and a 13-year-old umpire, took over the field and began assaulting each other. We’re looking for any information on this melee, but in particular the identity of the suspect in the white shirt and teal shorts.”

The game was played at Westgate Elementary School in Lakewood, Colorado, a suburb southwest of Denver. What a great example these parents are setting for their young children.

Here is the tweet from the police concerning this fight between parents...

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