For flounder (fluke).

Yeah, there’s been a steady striper bite on paddle tails and blood worms, but with the summer flounder May 2 opener looming, attentions in the southern New Jersey bays will be focusing on the delectable flatfish.

The new regs for ‘22 (two fish from 17 to 17.99 inches, and one 18-inches or longer) and early opener, almost three weeks sooner than what had become the Memorial Day weekend norm, bode well for the skinny water flounder hunters not only for action but for being able to take a few fish home for dinner.

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Make no mistake though: the month of May is notorious for producing not only minimum length keepers but also fish in the 4-8 lb. class, with more than a few attaining doormat (10 lbs.-plus) weights. The shallows are loaded with forage in the forms of shrimp, small crabs, peanut bunker, spearing, and killies (minnies). A fatso flounder smorgasbord, and the flatties are right in there on the chow.

Shallow draft boats allow for a close approach, but a kayak will get one closer via it’s near-zero surface-to-bottom intrusion. This, plus being quiet via the pedal drive or paddle or even if powered by an electric motor, can exponentially increase the odds of putting one up close and friendly with hungry flounder just waiting to ambush a victim swimming by.

‘Yak selections are legion, but as with anything, some are better than others. One of the major players is Wilderness Systems, and it offers a selection of pedal drive models that are ideally suited to the Garden State’s southern back water scenarios.

Be ready for the May 2 opener!

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