Football At Four: Who Is Responsible For Eagles Issues This Year
(November 24, 2020): On Tuesday's edition of Football at Four, Rob Maaddi joins The Sports Bash talking:
*What are the issues with the Eagles beyond Doug Pederson and Carson Wentz
*Does Howie Roseman really deserve the blame for the Eagles issues when we are unsure about how much autonomy he has to make NFL Draft and Offseason decisions
*Does Doug Pederson lack the power as Head Coach he should have over roster decisions
*If Carson Wentz played more like he has in past years, would Doug Pederson's play calling look and be better
*What is the underlying issues behind Doug Pederson's play calling this season
*How much of an impact has the injury issues on the Offensive Line had on the Eagles season
*Why has Travis Fulgham production fallen off the last couple games
*What is behind Carson Wentz regression from the past three years compared to how he has performed in 2020
(Rob Maaddi has worked for the Associated Press since 2000, covering the Philadelphia Eagles and NFL. He is also a best selling author, his latest book is "Birds of Pray: The Story of the Philadelphia Eagles’ Faith, Brotherhood, and Super Bowl Victory")